Andrea S. Oliva


Welcome to my Portfolio !

My portfolio includes work samples and demonstration of my design and editing skills.  My passion is education, curriculum design, and technology.  As an Instructional Lead, I mentor teachers by helping them achieve  best practices in the classroom. I also develop curriculum, lesson plans, and implement technology tools.  I love to teach and provide training and development. 

Hi, I'm Andrea S. Oliva, a Technology Teacher/ Instructional Lead from Texas.

Work Samples


Example Lesson

Blue Illustration Brainstorm Presentation.mp4

Career Services Presentation

Creative project (1).mp4

Time Management Presentation

Copy of 22-23 PLTW Teacher Guide

Teacher Guide  

Mrs. Oliva -Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher 

"Integrity" Music Video

PLTW Launch 3G TEKS at a Glance V1.0.docx

TEKS at a Glance

PLTW Launch 3G Year at a Glance V1.0.docx

Year at a Glance

PLTW Launch 3G Scope and Sequence V1.0 (1).docx

Scope and Sequence

Event Flyer made on Canva

Assignment 4P - Intern Project - Andrea Sanchez

Writing Sample

Local Workforce Trends

HR Work Presentation 
